Granddaughter helping her disabled grandmother walk with the aid of a walker.

One unfortunate consequence of an aging population is the likelihood of increased neglect and exploitation of older people, particularly in nursing homes. This is due to the growing number of people in nursing home settings with fewer and fewer facilities available. Most facilities in Maine take very good care of its senior population, but there is a real concern for elder abuse and neglect. This population often has the least representation and voice. The law offices of Hardy, Wolf, & Downing take these cases very seriously. Our nursing home abuse lawyers are amongst a team of personal injury lawyers with the skill, expertise, and track record to help victims of this very particular area of medical malpractice.

Nearly 22%, or just over 1 in 5 Maine residents, are 65 and older, giving the state the largest share of older residents. On the upside, one 2019 “Aging in America” ranking by U.S. News placed Maine first in caring for their senior population’s health and financial security.

Elder Abuse and Nursing Home Abuse in Maine

However, amidst the positive, there remains a substantial population of older Maine residents facing abuse and financial exploitation. The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 1 in 9 people aged 60 or older suffer exploitation and abuse each year, with an estimated 33,000 victims residing in Maine. That number will continue to grow. By 2030, Maine’s seniors will increase to approximately 30% of the state’s residents.

Types of Elder Abuse and Their Manifestations

Due to its aging population, Maine nursing homes also face increased risks of staffing problems fueled by budget constraints and overworked, stressed-out staff that cannot keep up and maintain a proper standard of care. In such environments, nursing home abuse can take many forms, ranging from physical injuries, sexual violations, and psychological torments such as mocking, shaming, or threatening to outright gross neglect of basic physical needs and appropriate medical care.

If you believe one of your loved ones is being abused or neglected in a nursing home, take note and keep a record of any unusual mishaps or unexplained changes in routine. Common signs of nursing home abuse are broken bones, sprains or bruises, torn or soiled underwear, dirty sheets, unaccountable changes in a loved one’s financial accounts, and missing or broken items. Too much or too little medication is evidence that the medication is being administered irregularly. A change in emotional behavior coupled with increased anxiety, stress, depression, or withdrawal can signify ongoing torment.


Hiring a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

By law and common decency, nursing homes must abide by certain obligations to protect their patients on physical, sexual, emotional, or financial abuse. Every nursing home residence must be able to meet their patients’ basic physical needs.

Let Us Fight For You and Your Loved Ones

If you suspect that your loved one may be a victim of nursing home medical malpractice, or if you have sustained losses related to your loved one’s abuse or exploitation, you and/or your loved one may be eligible to receive compensation. Contact one of Maine’s experienced nursing home abuse lawyers at Hardy, Wolf & Downing today for a free consultation to discuss your case.

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