Lewiston Aburn Maine

Auto Accidents

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Been in a Car Accident? Now What?

After you’ve been in a car accident in Maine, the phone calls, emails, and letters from insurance adjusters start to fill your mailbox or inbox. It can feel overwhelming when you’re trying to heal from an injury and get back to your normal routine. It may even seem like a good idea to pick up the call from the insurance company and accept a low settlement offer rather than speaking with a car accident lawyer. You may regret that decision.

Talking to a trained insurance adjuster on your own means giving the insurance company the advantage. The insurance industry is a multi-billion dollar business, and its business model is focused on getting people to settle before they talk to a lawyer. Every time an insurance adjuster gets a non-represented person to settle, the insurance company increases its profits. It’s that simple.

Call Maine's Auto Accident Lawyers

Make your first call to Hardy, Wolf & Downing today for a free consultation about your vehicle accident. After a severe accident, many things are on your mind. Once the medical bills and other expenses start to come in, it can be hard on your well-being to focus on getting healthy, especially if you cannot return to work due to injuries. Insurance companies are not on your side. Even those you pay are protecting themselves. That’s where speaking with an expert car accident lawyer from Hardy, Wolf & Downing can make a difference in your life. Remember, insurance adjusters are trained to protect their company’s profit margins, not help you! Get someone on your side from the very beginning.

Maine Car Accident Statistics

According to the Maine Department of Transportation Highway Safety Facts, a reported traffic crash occurs in Maine every 16 minutes. Chances are that you or a loved one will be involved in a car accident during your lifetime. An auto accident lawyer from Hardy, Wolf & Downing is here to help hold those responsible for your car accident accountable. Our job is to represent you!

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Get the compensation you deserve. Contact Hardy, Wolf & Downing today to get started with an initial free consultation to talk to a lawyer about your situation.