Auto Accident Settlement



While on the job, an infectious disease nurse was driving her car and was broadsided by another vehicle. She received serious injuries to her neck and spine that required extensive spinal surgery. Unfortunately the surgery did not work and she was left in chronic pain and discomfort. Not only was she unable to work professionally again, she could no longer participate in various physical activities she previously loved to do such as family sporting events, skiing and more. Being a very physically active individual this was a devastating consequence of the accident. Moreover, she was a devout Catholic and could no longer bend down at the pew in church due to her injuries. We had a number of problems fighting this case, namely her treating physician was a friend of the opposing counsel and was not helpful in supporting our claim that she was unable to work. Plus, the defense hired an independent medical examiner who initially supported the insurance company stating that she was physically able to work. We knew she couldn’t work and we wouldn’t accept their initial offers to settle the case. Despite the factors working against us we didn’t give up. Our skilled attorneys were able to turn the medical examiner’s testimony around to work for us and we won the case for $600,000.

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